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Important of Education By the Government of India – ” Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) Initiative

Women play an integral role not only in the family but also in society. 

Women’s empowerment is very important and crucial for the development of the country.

It is a major concern for society and the goal is to develop a culture of raising empowered women in the country.

Women feel empowered only when there is gender justice and equality and when women’s rights are not violated.

In 2015, the Indian government introduced the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme to address concerns of gender discrimination and women empowerment in the country.

The name Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao translates to ‘Save the girl child, educate the girl child’.

The scheme aims to educate citizens against gender bias and improve the welfare services for girls.

Objectives of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

  • The scheme aims to tackle discrimination inherent in society that is faced by girls while changing the mindset of citizens in the country.
  • The scheme seeks to address a wide gamut of issues including the reducing child sex ratio (CSR) and enhancing women’s empowerment while eliminating gender-based inequalities while also safeguarding girl children.
  • Education of girl children and their societal participation are other objectives of the scheme.
  • The Scheme encourages families and communities to prioritize girls’ education. It emphasizes that educating girls is not only a right but also an investment in the nation’s future.

Key Features of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana

  • Setting up debates and discourses relating to reducing the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) with the goal of spreading awareness and ensuring improvement.
  • Encouraging community participation and working towards better development relating to the growth and birth of a girl child.
  • Setting up mass communication initiatives for disseminating information related to the BBBP scheme.
  • Training local governing authorities and also including employees of government organizations and schools in the rally for societal change.
  • The BBBP scheme aims at safeguarding girl children and also at stopping inhuman acts like foeticide and female infanticide.
  • Promotion of women’s participation in education is a key feature, ensuring that every girl child gets suitable access to education.
  • The scheme aims at improving the child-gender ratio in States like Uttarakhand, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.
  • Another objective of the scheme is the prevention of child marriage and the safety of girl children from related physical and mental harassment along with domestic violence.
  • The promotion of gender equality is another key feature of the scheme throughout the country.

Financial security for girl children is encouraged through the BBBP scheme with a view toward securing their future education, growth, and development.

The Impact of BBBP on Education:

  • The BBBP has made significant strides in promoting gender equality in education:
  • The campaign has contributed to a noticeable increase in the enrollment of girls in schools. Families are now more willing to send their daughters to school, understanding the importance of education in their lives.
  • BBBP has played a crucial role in changing societal mindsets regarding the value of the girl child. It has created awareness about the harmful consequences of gender bias and discrimination.
  • The government provides financial incentives to families who promote girl child education, further encouraging parents to invest in their daughters’ future.
  •  BBBP has launched awareness campaigns to promote gender equality and educate communities about the benefits of educating girls.


As we all know, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao has yielded many positive results and promotes the importance of girl education to carve a bright future for the country. If you want to know more about this govt. the scheme or any related govt schemes, you approach Digital Suvidha Kendra.

Digital Kendra is one of the most trusted companies serving for years on a PAN India basis, offers 100+ govt services such as online mobile recharge, bill payments, and other related services.

Digital Suvidha provides full support and assistance on various initiatives have been taken and is in the process of taking for the successful achievement of targets of BBBP scheme so that violence and crimes against girls and women can be controlled and girls are born, nurtured, and educated without discrimination.

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