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Meaning of Village-Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) and the Role of VLEs In India

In today’s digital world, where technology is changing the face of business and commerce, the Indian government has taken a bold step in bridging the digital divide between rural and urban areas.

This initiative has been taken to enable the rural population to access a wide range of services and benefits through the use of technology. One of the key components of this initiative is the creation of village-level entrepreneurs (VLEs) who play a crucial role in bringing digital services to the doorsteps of rural India.

Meaning of VLEs

Village-level entrepreneurs, commonly known as VLEs, are local individuals chosen or appointed to act as service delivery points for various digital services in rural areas. These services can range from banking and financial services to healthcare, education, and government-related initiatives. VLEs essentially act as intermediaries, connecting the rural populace to the digital world.

A Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) who has been authorized by the government to provide digital services to the rural population from Common Service Centre (CSC) outlets. The VLEs have been trained and equipped with the necessary technology and equipment to provide these services.

Role of Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) in India

The role of Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE) in India is to provide digital services to residents of rural areas and to contribute to the development of these areas. VLEs play a crucial role in bridging the digital divide between urban and rural areas and bringing essential services closer to rural residents.

Some of the key responsibilities of VLEs in India include

1. Digital Access Everywhere

VLEs serve as the vital link between the digital infrastructure and the remote villages. In regions where traditional connectivity is a challenge, VLEs bring digital services to the last mile, ensuring that even the remotest corners of the country are not left behind in the digital revolution.

2. Providing Digital Services

VLEs provide a range of digital services, including e-governance services, banking and financial services, health services, education services, and other services that can improve the quality of life of rural residents. Rural India heavily depends on various government welfare schemes. VLEs act as facilitators, aiding villagers in accessing and availing benefits from these schemes. VLEs play a crucial role in making these services accessible to the rural population.

3. Education Initiatives

In the era of digital education, VLEs contribute significantly to bringing educational opportunities to rural children and adults. They act as points for distributing educational materials, conducting digital literacy programs, and facilitating online courses. This helps bridge the educational gap between urban and rural areas.

4. Entrepreneurial Opportunities

By setting up a Common Service Center (CSC), VLEs create employment opportunities for themselves and others in their village. This helps to stimulate the local economy and provides a source of income for rural residents. Beyond being facilitators, VLEs also have the potential to become entrepreneurs themselves. They can offer additional services, such as digital marketing, skill development programs, and other value-added services. This not only enhances their economic well-being but also contributes to the overall development of their communities.

5. Contributing to Rural Development

VLEs play a crucial role in contributing to the development of rural areas by providing essential services and creating employment opportunities. By doing so, they help to improve the quality of life of rural residents and contribute to the overall development of rural areas.

6. Community Leadership

VLEs play a crucial role in their communities as leaders who provide essential services and create job opportunities. This can bring a sense of pride and recognition and can help VLEs to become respected members of their communities.

7. Access to Government Schemes

Rural India heavily depends on various government welfare schemes. VLEs act as facilitators, aiding villagers in accessing and availing benefits from these schemes. Whether it’s procuring subsidies, filing applications, or understanding the nuances of governmental initiatives, VLEs play a crucial role in making these services accessible to the rural population.

8. Financial Inclusion

VLEs are instrumental in promoting financial inclusion by acting as touchpoints for banking and financial services. They assist villagers in opening bank accounts, applying for loans, and conducting digital transactions. This not only brings convenience but also empowers the rural population economically.

9. Healthcare Services

Telemedicine and digital health services are transforming healthcare in rural areas. VLEs facilitate access to these services by providing villagers with a platform to consult doctors remotely, order medicines, and access health-related information. This is especially critical in areas where healthcare infrastructure is limited.

10. E-Governance Services

VLEs assist in the dissemination of e-governance services, making it easier for villagers to avail themselves of services such as birth certificates, land records, and other essential documents. This reduces bureaucratic hurdles and ensures a more transparent and efficient governance system.

11. Empowerment

VLEs play a crucial role in empowering their communities by providing essential services and improving access to information and opportunities. This has the potential to improve the standard of living in rural areas and create a more inclusive and equitable society.

12. Digital Literacy

VLEs receive training in digital literacy and are equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide digital services. This helps to increase their digital literacy and can provide them with greater access to information and opportunities in the digital world.


Village-level entrepreneurs’ role in bringing essential services to the doorsteps of remote villages is very crucial. The journey towards a digitally empowered rural India is not only about technological advancements but also about the individuals who tirelessly work to make these advancements accessible to all.

The creation of village-level entrepreneurs (VLEs) is a bold step taken by the Indian government to bridge the digital divide between rural and urban areas. VLEs are playing a crucial role in bringing digital services to the doorsteps of rural India, empowering the rural population, and fostering entrepreneurship.

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Digital Suvidha provides full support and assistance on various initiatives that have been taken and the primary goal is to provide the latest updates and information which helps to define the best advice in shaping the youth’s career.

Despite the challenges faced by VLEs, they are contributing to the development of rural areas and helping to create new job opportunities.

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